2月26日—2月27日 汉语进修生、普通进修生新生报到
2月27日 本科生、研究生申请补考
2月28日—3月2日 本科生、研究生补考;汉语进修生、普通进修生、本科生老生注册
3月2日 研究生老生注册
3月4日 汉语进修生新生开学典礼
3月5日 开始上课
4月5日-7日 清明节放假 (4月8日上周五的课 )
4月26日—28日 汉语进修生升级考试
4月29日—5月1日 五一节放假
5月11日--5月14日 语言进修生教学旅行
6月16日--18日 端午节放假
6月19日—6月22日 本科生选修课考试(随堂进行)
6月25日—6月29日 进修生选修课考试(随堂进行)
6月25日—7月6日 本科生、研究生停课考试
7月2日—7月4日 进修生停课考试
7月7日 结业典礼,学期结束
International Cultural Exchange School Calendar
2ndSemester of School Year 2017-2018
(February 26th, 2018 -- July 7th, 2018; 18 weeks)
Feb. 26th– 27th New Language Students (including General Advanced Students) Register
Feb. 27th Resits Application for Undergraduates and Postgraduates
Feb. 28th– March 2nd Resits for Undergraduates and Postgraduates
Feb. 28th– March 2nd Returning Language Students (including General Advanced Students) and Undergraduates Register
March 2nd Returning Postgraduates Register
March 4th Opening Ceremonyfor New Language Students
(Announcement of Rules & Regulations of Our School,Class Name lists& Schedules)
March 5th Instruction Begins
April 5th-7th Qingming Festival (Friday’s classes be given on April 8th)
April 26th– 28th Mid-term Upgrading Exams for Language Students
April 29th– May 1st May Day Holiday
May 11th– 14th Field Trip for Language Students
June 16th–18th Dragon Boat Festival
June 19th– 22nd Elective Course Exams for Undergraduates
June 25th– 29th Elective Course Exams for Language Students
June 25th–July 6th Final Exams for Undergraduates and Postgraduates
July 2nd– 4th Final Exams for Language Students
July 7th Graduation Ceremony and Summer Vacation Begins
* The holiday schedule is subjected to changes, final schedule should be adjusted to the notice from President’s Office of Fudan University.